Eliminating Stress for a Life-Changing Transformation

by | Aug 21, 2020

Shoutout to Tiffany for putting in the work to reach her wellness goals! She was struggling with stress, stress, and you guessed it: more stress.

The number of stressors and the amount of stress you experience are completely different. Your body can feel it, your mind will feel it, YOU will feel it.

Imagine this: You woke up late for work. You had to rush to get ready, had to rush to get the kids to school, had to rush to get to the office in time, didn’t take a lunch break, picked up the kids from school, get home, and spend another hour or two cleaning up and cooking dinner before even getting a second to breathe. You may think that’s “part of the routine”, but even one fast-paced, stressful day like this can affect your body more than you realize.

The amount of “stress hormone,” release is not equal to the number of stressors.

Women moving out of their 20’s and 30’s will find that stress once made their body small, but now makes them swollen with inflammation and excess fat. ⁣

The problem isn’t you. The problem is the lifestyle that got you through your 20’s and 30’s, which is now a part of your day-to-day life. And that’s hard to change. One can not simply, “not have stress.” ⁣

Tiffany is a perfect example of this. Stress activity was always her go-to. When she got stressed, she didn’t eat and kept herself very busy, which truly made her body stress more. She would workout to train stress away, and without enough food that creates even more stress. ⁣

To really unload stress you have to work through stress and not work around it with just doing more! ⁣Once you sign up for our program, we will help you modify your lifestyle to reduce stressors, practice stress-coping skills, and hold you accountable to make these positive changes. Oh – we’ll also fix the hormonal imbalances the earlier lifestyle caused! No more inflammation, no more excess fat, no more stress.

Tiffany’s transformation is because she actually eats more, works out less, focuses on stress management, and takes it one day at a time. That’s the key.

Great work Tiffany!

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