Why Women Should Consider Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Why Women Should Consider Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)

by Caroline DeMesquita, Functional Health Coach & Posing Coach Most competitive females will do whatever it takes to sculpt and build their dream body. This includes extreme dieting, training, cardio sessions, stimulants and additional performance enhancements....
4 Tips to Avoid Post-Show Rebound

4 Tips to Avoid Post-Show Rebound

by Caroline DeMesquita, Functional Health Coach & Posing Coach Hey, I see you sweating during those cardio sessions and squeezing out every last bit you can during your weight training sessions. You’re crushing it! Week after week, you are progressing. You have...

Living A Healthy Lifestyle: What is your process?

I don’t share a lot about training strategies. Why? Unless you’re at a certain level of your fitness journey, it’s not what you should be focused on. Basics are important. A base knowledge of form, reps, sets, and how to use cardio equipment effectively is nice. I...
Post-Competition Healing: She Fits in Her Wedding Dress!

Post-Competition Healing: She Fits in Her Wedding Dress!

It’s been a long journey with a happy ending. Bri gets to slip into a wedding dress in just a few days, free of her old life filled with symptoms that could fill out an entire page! She came to us in the middle of a prep for a show when her metabolism had stopped...